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12mR European Championship 2019 - Notes of Race and links

By - Posted on 05 April 2019

Below is the NoR for the 12mR European Championships 2019 in Skagen and Marstrand (Attached). 
The Championship is held over to periodes with the first in Skagen(Denmark) form the 23-25th. of August.
The second period is held i Marstrand(Sweden) from the 30th. of August to the 1st. of September 2019.


12 mR European Championship 2019 - links:

Skagen:12 Metre Class European Championship 2019 in Skagen

Marstrand:EM 12 m R-yachts 2019 - Välkomna till Marstrand!


12mR NOR European Championships 2019.pdf102.5 KB