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Dyvig 12mR Tune Up 2018 - NoR and Program

By - Posted on 01 March 2018

This years Dyvig 12mR Tune Up and Fetch race Dyvig to Glücksburg wil be held from the 3rd. to the 6th. of June 2018. The Organizing Authority of  is the 12mR Yacht Club - Copenhagen Station, together with Dyvig Bro, and the Flensburger Segelclub, FSC.

Her you wil find the program and attached is the NoR.

Sunday June 3rd. 2018

1600 Race office opens

1830 Welcoming ceremony

1900 Sailors grill at the Dyvig Badehotel 

Monday June 4th. and Tuesday 5th. 2018 - 3 up and down races each day

from 0730 breakfast Dyvig Badehotel

0930 Skippers meeting

1030 Warning signal 1. race

approx. 1230 Warning signal 2.race

approx.1430 Warning signal 3.race

approx. 1630 Pølser on the Dyvig bridge

1900 Dinner at Dyvig Badehotel

Wednesday June 6th. 2018 - Fetch race Dyvig to Glücksburg 26 nautical miles

from 0730 breakfast Dyvig Badehotel

0930 Skippers meeting

1030 Warning signal fetch race

  approx.1230 Bridge in Sønderborg opens for competitors to race through

  approx.1500 Yachts finish in front of Flensburger Segelclub in Glücksburg

  approx.1800 Price giving at the FSC in Glücksburg

2018 Dyvig 12mR Tune Up regatta NOR Final.pdf79.85 KB